Friday, December 26, 2008
Another year is going to end..
well, without any hesitation, first of all, wanna greet all of those who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas all :) may everyone get a joyous Christmas day ^^
Friday, October 24, 2008
The growth of Life..
still thinking of which way better, using Bahasa or English, but maybe this time i'll use Bahasa :) biar rasanya lebih "nendang" gitu loh hehehe..but still mixed up with some English :P
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Smile :)
Smile. I believe that everyone who reads this blog, and also those people around the world know what smile is :) it is the simple way to express our emotional feeling when we are happy and feel secure on one thing.
I just love to see people's smile, no matter who they are. When we can see someone smiles and cheers for one moment, it would be the best moment that we can see from someone. That simple expression can give a warm and soft feeling around ourselves.
It is the easiest way to greet others as well, although it was a greeting to someone else that you've never met before :) From that simple smile, it shows that we are friendly towards them.
For me, whenever I can draw people to smile, it would be the best moment for me, although it does not have any relations to me. I would be so glad to be the 'ears' of those who wish to complain their problems, and it would be great if I can put up a smile on those who are previously showing sadness on their faces :)
Well, we cannot say that we are going to have good moments all the time, there will be one moment where bad moment might come. Maybe at that moment, we fail to remember on put a smile on ourselves, but there will always be friends around us that we can share or tell our problems. Hmm, yeah, not all of our friends can be trusted about sharing our problems though, but I believe that it would ease our burden after we shared it with our friends. They can give us inputs and supports, which could help us in solving our problems. When the problem is solved, then we can put a smile back on our faces :)
Sometimes, people might put up a fake smile, but it won't be able to cover up the sadness within.
I hope that I didn't make anyone down or sad, but I believe that unconciously, this thing could happen; therefore, I want to apologize if I did that, and I hope that I can be given one chance to put back the smile on your faces :)
Bring the smile up high towards everyone you meet in your life, and when you can see the pure smile of others, I believe, it would be the best moment of your life as well :)
"Don't draw the negative side of yours to face your problems. Try to put it out in the other ways, and think of its positive benefit towards you; therefore, it won't burden you more, and cheer up ur life :)" - anonymous
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Intersection of Life
hmm, maybe the title of this one might be a lil bit confusing to u guys, since i seldom write anything with such a complicated topic hehehe. The ideas to write this one are coming from a comic book titled as "Law of Ueki Plus", and a Japanese movie titled as "Dear Friends" (u can find this movie on crunchyroll website)..
through our lives, every people lives and grows from a born innocent baby to an adult as well goes old and die. but do u ever realize, that through every seconds in ur lives, there are so many things happened. we came to the Earth, as an innocent born baby, learning each of the things that we experienced on our daily activities; learning to be better from what we are now; as well as meeting some important people in the journey, which we called them as FRIENDS..
every people has their own story for their lives, and in some parts, they might mention some names, and your name in others..
through this thing called as Intersection of Life, we meet up with various types of person, and we call them as our FRIENDS.. meeting up with someone, and being closed to someone, is something that called as a meeting that is occurred once in a lifetime.
from the story of Law of Ueki Plus and Dear Friends, i learn one thing that in my opinion, i need to share as well to others (those who read my blogs ^^)..
i learn that we have to value the preciousness of friendship bonds made in our life.
there is a similarity in the story that i read;
some people might think that friends are there to be used for some advantages that are needed for oneself, which means, while there's nothing we need from them, we don't hav to be around them too much or something like that..
well, if you have a thought like that about friendships, there might be some accidents occurred between you and your friends in the past time, which turned you out to think of it at that way..
(the upcoming would be some kind of spoilers from each story..)
in Law of Ueki Plus story, there was a character, named Byaku, who previously was a nice and kind guy. But because of his friend betrayed him, he turned into a cold-hearted person, until he met up with the main character of the story, Ueki, who always valued the meaning of friendship as a big trust in his naturalness..Ueki succeed proving that friendship should not be valued in the way Byaku sensed as it is..
in the movie of Dear Friends also has a similar story, but it didn't show about why the girl turned out into a bitch and stubborn girl, while in the past she wasn't used to be like that.. she never valued any friendships that she had with her friends, and always be a stubborn girl, eventhough it was against her parents.. she's just turned out to be so proud, because of her beautiness.. but then, she got a cancer, and she vowed herself that she gonna die soon, yet she can't accept that situation..
Soon, she met up with a little girl, and her childhood friend, which slowly but surely proved to her the meaning of true friendship. (try to watch the movie through the link above ^^)
the conclusion of these two stories, is that telling us to value more positively on our friendship, as it is a once in a lifetime meeting, then we need to create good and unforgettable memories towards all of our friends..
we never realize what we have done to someone, it might be something good or something bad..but whatever things that we've done, might affect to someone's life, might be positively or negatively affecting it..
saying sorry might be the hardest thing to do, but it would help in solving problems between friends..
we might grow old and die.. but friendship would never be old and die..
Thanks to all of you out there, who've been the intersection of my life story.. i believe that this is the most precious thing i have in my life, having all of you as my friends :) i would like to apologize if i ever did some bad things and mistakes to all of u..
Friends 4eva..
Monday, July 7, 2008
Pelajaran dari Kungfu Panda
Po, si Panda jantan, yang sehari-hari bekerja di toko mie ayahnya, memiliki impian untuk menjadi seorang pendekar Kung Fu. Tak disangka, dalam suatu kompetisi, Po dinobatkan sebagai Pendekar Naga yang dinanti-nantikan kehadirannya untuk melindungi desa dari balas dendam Tai Lung. Saat menonton film animasi ini, saya seperti diingatkan tentang beberapa hal: 1. The secret to be special is you have to believe you're special. Po hampir putus asa karena tidak mampu memecahkan rahasia Kitab Naga, yang hanya berupa lembaran kosong. Wejangan dari ayahnya-lah yang akhirnya membuatnya kembali bersemangat dan memandang positif dirinya sendiri. Kalau kita berpikir diri kita adalah spesial, unik, berharga kita pun akan punya daya dorong untuk melakukan hal-hal yang spesial. Kita akan bisa, kalau kita berpikir kita bisa. Seperti kata Master Oogway, “You just need to believe” 2. Teruslah kejar impianmu. Po , panda gemuk yang untuk bergerak saja susah akhirnya bisa menguasai ilmu Kung Fu. Berapa banyak dari kita yang akhirnya menyerah, gagal mencapai impian karena terhalang oleh pikiran negatif diri kita sendiri? Seperti kata Master Oogway, “kemarin adalah sejarah, esok adalah misteri, saat ini adalah anugerah, makanya disebut Present ( hadiah).” Jangan biarkan diri kita dihalangi oleh kegagalan masa lalu dan ketakutan masa depan. Ayo berjuanglah di masa sekarang yang telah dianugerahkan Tuhan padamu. 3. Kamu tidak akan bisa mengembangkan orang lain, sebelum kamu percaya dengan kemampuan orang itu, dan kemampuan dirimu sendiri. Master Shi Fu ogah-ogahan melatih Po. Ia memandang Po tidak berbakat. Kalaupun Po bisa, mana mungkin ia melatih Po dalam waktu sekejap. Kondisi ini berbalik seratus delapan puluh derajat, setelah Shi Fu diyakinkan Master Oogway -gurunya- bahwa Po sungguh-sungguh adalah Pendekar Naga dan Shi Fu satu-satunya orang yang mampu melatihnya. Sebagai guru atau orang tua, hal yang paling harus dihindari adalah memberi label bahwa anak ini tidak punya peluang untuk berubah. Sangatlah mudah bagi kita untuk menganggap orang lain tidak punya masa depan. Kesulitan juga acap kali membuat kita kehilangan percaya diri, bahwa kita masih mampu untuk membimbing mereka. 4. Tiap individu belajar dengan cara dan motivasinya sendiri. Shi Fu akhirnya menemukan bahwa Po baru termotivasi dan bisa mengeluarkan semua kemampuannya, bila terkait dengan makanan. Po tidak bisa menjalani latihan seperti 5 murid jagoannya yang lain. Demikian juga dengan setiap anak. Kita ingat ada 3 gaya belajar yang kombinasi ketiganya membuat setiap orang punya gaya belajar yang unik. Hal yang menjadi motivasi tiap orang juga berbeda-beda. Ketika kita memaksakan keseragaman proses belajar, dipastikan akan ada anak-anak yang dirugikan. 5. Kebanggaan berlebihan atas anak/murid/diri sendiri bisa membutakan mata kita tentang kondisi sebenarnya, bahkan bisa membawa mereka ke arah yang salah. Master Shi Fu sangat menyayangi Tai Lung, seekor macan tutul, murid pertamanya, yang ia asuh sejak bayi. Ia membentuk Tai Lung sedemikian rupa agar sesuai dengan harapannya. Memberikan impian bahwa Tai Lung akan menjadi Pendekar Naga yang mewarisi ilmu tertinggi. Sayangnya Shi Fu tidak melihat sisi jahat dari Tai Lung dan harus membayar mahal, bahkan nyaris kehilangan nyawanya. Seringkali kita memiliki image yang keliru tentang diri sendiri/anak/murid kita. Parahnya, ada pula yang dengan sengaja mempertebal tembok kebohongan ini dengan hanya mau mendengar informasi dan konfirmasi dari orang-orang tertentu. Baru-baru ini saya bertemu seorang ibu yang selama 14 tahun masih sibuk membohongi diri bahwa anaknya tidak autis. Ia lebih senang berkonsultasi dengan orang yang tidak ahli di bidang autistik. Mendeskreditkan pandangan ahli-ahli di bidang autistik. Dengan sengaja memilih terapis yang tidak kompeten, agar bisa disetir sesuai keinginannya. Akibatnya proses terapi 11 tahun tidak membuahkan hasil yang signifikan. Ketika kita punya image yang keliru, kita akan melangkah ke arah yang keliru. 6. Hidup memang penuh kepahitan, tapi jangan biarkan kepahitan tinggal dalam hatimu. Setelah dikhianati oleh Tai Lung, Shi Fu tidak pernah lagi menunjukkan kebanggaan dan kasih sayang pada murid-muridnya. Sisi terburuk dari kepahitan adalah kita tidak bisa merasakan kasih sayang dan tidak bisa berbagi kasih sayang. 7. Keluarga sangatlah penting. Di saat merasa terpuruk, Po disambut hangat oleh sang ayah. Berkat ayahnya pula Podapat memecahkan rahasia Kitab Naga dan menjadi Pendekar nomor satu. Sudahkah kita memberi dukungan pada anggota keluarga kita? taken from dhardokaz stay close milist "motivation of the day" ------ dapet posting nya dari blog nya della... just pay a visit to her blog ^^ ada bbrapa cerita2 yg bagus hehe..(uda dipromosiin loh del =P) well, emank dari tiap film yg qta tonton, harusnya ada meaning dibalik cerita film itu..mostly, itu smua ttg pembelajaran qta ttg hidup.. abis baca post yg gw upload dari atas ini, gw brasa seperti diingatkan kembali untuk lebi menghargai hidup qta..memang sering qta menghadapi berbagai macam masalah, kadang masalah nya gampang, kadang juga berat...dan qta juga sering under pressure, dan kadang malah menyerah terhadap hal yg sedang qta hadapi.. from this posting, bner2 ngajarin qta buat blajar berpikir positif...emank sih, susah klo qta lagi under pressure, tapi harus berusaha stay positif...pasti kerap kali qta bakal berpikiran negatif dan sgala macem nya... but if we try to stay positive, sesulit apapun masalah qta, there must be a way to solve it =) yah, emank, teori lebi gampang daripada praktek, tapi klo qta ngga perna mencoba mempraktekkannya, kapan qta bisa taw klo teori itu benar? yah moga2 posting yg diatas bisa membantu temen2 yg lagi down, atw lagi stress dalem menghadapi masalah..some words, jangan terlalu cepat putus asa, dan mengambil jalan singkat..cobalah tuk melihat dari sisi positif nya, qta pasti bisa melalui segala masalah yg qta hadapi =) through time, we learn and grow stronger ^^ cheerz, ~XanG
Saturday, June 28, 2008
after exam...
hey..back again on my blogging ^^ after passing the hell weeks of exams and projects due, now i can sit back and relax typing some blogs again =)
there were several things happened lately, and i guess the story will be so long for this one hehehe maybe it would be cut to 2 blogs if necessary =P
=== moving out ===
well, i haven't got time to post about this one, but it has been one issue for me and my housemates..
one day, one of the housemates found another place nearby our boarding house, and it cost us cheaper than the place where we are living right now.. the place also provides more rooms (up to 15 rooms) and the most important thing, the land-lady doesn't live there..
seeing this chance, because of the cheaper issue, we all try to take a look on the new place.. well, i can say the place is quite convenient for me, but somehow, the room is smaller than the one provided here.. it is looked similar to my first room here (the small and tiny room that only fits 3 people at max =P), but it has its own bathroom inside..
after decided to take a room there, we all tried to let our land-lady acknowledge bout our plan to move out.. she was quite shocked, because all of us are going to move out =P and later on, we let her know the reason why we decided to move..
well, the monthly fee for the house is quite expensive.. for my room, i have to pay 1.75 million for the room only, and it's not yet included with the electricity and internet fee.. usually in one month, i have to pay around 2 million for one month.. compared to the new place, it would cost me 1.5 million for one month, included with the electricity already.. the internet will be shared again later on with the others.. so approximately in total around 1.6 million..
the others had already decided to move to the new place.. but i was still confused, cuz i had too much things to move out, and yet, i had felt convenient with my current room.. it is quite big, compared to the new places =P
last night, i was just having a discussion with the land-lady, and she agreed to lower my room price, from 1.75 to 1.5 million ^^ by then, i decided to stay rather than to move =) though the consequence is that i'm gonna be alone in the house T_T
hmm...gonna miss the moment with you guys.. lots of fun here ^^
=== holiday ===
well, nothing to say bout this one.. the truth is, i don't have any holiday T_T my last exam finished on 24th, and on the next day, i already began my Compact Semester.. at first, i didn't plan to take any classes.. i planned on going back home, having a nice 2 months holiday, and back to Jakarta on September for e.COM 08 (come and watch!! it's gonna be fun ^^)
but somehow, my plan needed to be changed T_T i was planning to take a course on my 7th semester, but somehow, the schedule was crashed with the other courses (damn...) and i was suggested to take the course during the Compact Semester.. well, i won't say it was a bad idea at all, since i am going to be the O'days committee again (though it wasn't as a mentor anymore =P).. i was appointed as the Head of Property (thanks for the position hehehe).. therefore, i can set my preparation for O'days, while i am having a class, rather than i got nothing to do, and just wandering around =P
well, hopefully it would be fun during my Compact semester ^^
=== personal ===
hmm.. what about this one? well, i just can say everything is going well ^^ though not all of it as i had planned, but yet, i can say that i feel so nice and comfortable at the moment ^^
thanks to those friends that have supported me all d time (auLia, kur2, peTer, sRi, daVin, GocHi and lots more to be mentioned, it was just too Long hehehe).. maybe from the helps that you guys shown to me, had made me a better one ^^ sorry if i always bother with problems and questions hehehe.. really thanks for the helps ^^well, time goes by so fast, it has been my third year of school, and prepare to enter the fourth =P kinda missed the moment back there on my first and second year.. lots of funs with my friends.. looking back on the pictures that i saved in my laptop, it just brings back the old time memories, and also the changes of each people in the pictures hehehe.. but somehow, they said that i stay the same hahaha...
i also missed my parents and families, since i had already planned to have a two-months holiday with them, but somehow it has to be cancelled T_T loving y'all, mom and dad especially...
humm...wat else to be told? maybe we just figure it out in the upcoming blogs hehehe...hope u enjoy this one ^^ the best is yet to come hohoho (hopefully =P)..