Sunday, July 19, 2020

Being Mindful

*terpikir untuk kembali menulis, setelah mendengar podcast Thirty Days of Lunch episode Edward Suhadi.. kudos to @fellexandro dan @sheggario on their efforts to create such meaningful episodes*

Sudah sekian lama tidak mengisi blog ini..

Setelah membaca ulang apa yang pernah tersurat dalam post beberapa tahun lalu, rasanya ingin kembali menuangkan isi pikiran dalam tulisan lagi..
Rasanya, tulisan2 itu merupakan bagian dari cerita hidup yang dituangkan 
Sebagai pengingat di kemudian hari..
Sebagai bentuk menjaga kewarasan diri..
Sebagai cerita untuk anak cucu nanti.. 
Termasuk yang terjadi di tahun 2020 ini..

Monday, March 18, 2019

Growing Old vs Becoming Mature

Sehabis baca buku "A Subtle Art of Not Giving A F***" by Mark Ronson, denger podcast Thirty Days of Lunch nya @fellexandro & @sheggario, entah kenapa terdorong hasrat untuk kembali membaca dan nulis blog yang sudah berdebu ini.

Dan, setelah membaca ulang beberapa post lama di masa aktif nulis gw, ada beberapa hal yang gw sadari, dan mungkin itu menjadi alasan kenapa blog gw makin jarang ada update nya.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Greatest Showman

yap... gw tau, emang agak telat sih buat ngebahas soal film ini, udah waktu nya masuk ke Avengers: Infinity Wars minggu depan, dan film ini juga udah engga ada di bioskop. Tapi, setelah berkali-kali ngulang denger lagu "This Is Me" yang dinyanyikan oleh Keala Settle *dan gw dengerin sambil nulis blog ini*, i think it helps me to start writing again :)

untuk pertama kalinya, gw nonton satu film di bioskop sampe 3x, dan hanya untuk film ini, gw rela buat bayar sampe 3x, karena memang feel nya lebih berasa kalau nonton atau denger lagunya dalam theater room. Salut untuk seluruh cast yang ada dalam film ini, terutama Hugh Jackman yang, menurut gw, berhasil mengalihkan peran Wolverine yang beringas jadi figur seorang ayah, suami, dan showman sejati. Let me tell you, why i watched this to three times, and still amazed by it.
Oh iya, buat yang belum nonton, SPOILER ALERT, ada beberapa bagian yang akan gw ceritain disini, jadi sebelum lanjut baca dan pengen nonton dulu, it's your choice to continue :)

Monday, January 16, 2017

Small Things That Matter

a story shared by my friend @gabykarouw about her experience with Customer Service

Menghadapi keluhan atau amarah dari pelanggan memang bukan hal yang mudah, terutama ketika kita mengalami hari yang buruk ketika itu. Udah lagi bete mungkin karena kehujanan, abis diomelin bos, atau apapun lah kejadian yang tidak menyenangkan itu, tiba-tiba dapet komplen keras dari pelanggan yang seolah-olah siap bacok kalo lagi bawa golok. Tapi, itulah seni dibalik dari Customer Service, namanya juga Service (Layanan), harus senantiasa baik dan santun dalam melayani, walaupun kadang2 gedek pengen bacok balik :P Cerita ini, seolah2 mengingatkan bahwa berbuat kebaikan PASTI akan dibalas dengan kebaikan.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Wrong by Doing Right

the topic that has been bothering me lately..

On the recent news in Indonesia, we have been feeded with a stream of news about Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or known as Ahok who is Jakarta's current Governor being "accused" for mocking a religion by "falsely quoting" a verse in Muslim Qur'an.

In a short summary, the majority Muslim who felt offended would like him to be trial as how the law should be ruled, and this has been major headlines not only locally but also in foreign news.

It is understandable why this happens. Ahok had made a statement in the past, to disband one of the radical Muslim community for their radical actions. This community has been denying the appointed Governor to rule Jakarta, as he is not Muslim, and in fact, he took a serious and radical action to make a better Jakarta, though he has to go through the corrupted political situation which also not quite supporting his role. For some people, would say he is doing the right thing, but for some others who are bothered by his action, would say he is doing it wrong.

I won't discuss about the political situation on this post, but I just feel something is funny with the society these days, reflecting to the story above..

Sunday, October 23, 2016

[OPINION] #whereIStheLOVE (EN)

note: this post might contain high-level sarcasms to any parties. If you are a type of high-level sensitivity towards yourself and feel being slapped hard by this post, keep calm and embrace this through, then reflect whether this is true or not, and start to change and spread LOVE :) I intentionally create this post in English and Bahasa, so that everyone who found this post would hopefully be enlightened to create a better world together. Please read whichever convenient for you :)

My recent Facebook timeline has shown too much hatred from various posts about local election, US election, racism, and so on..

There has been a lot going on in the world at this moment, and everything has one similar context : people stand in what they believe is right, and curse what they believe is wrong..

Here are two example that I would describe in this post, related with how people drive their opinion towards a certain topic:

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Timing and Process

A note while taking the flight to Japan.

Ada begitu banyak hal yang ingin kita kejar dalam setiap langkah di hidup kita. Seringkali pula, kita kadang merasa terlalu terburu-buru untuk mendapatkannya, padahal, sadar atau tidak, beberapa hal yang ditunggu itu akan datang pada waktunya. Tapi, apakah ketika waktunya tiba, kita menerima dan mengambil kesempatan itu?

Saturday, March 19, 2016

White Blank Page

Ya, kira2 begitulah layar yang selalu terlihat ketika buka blog, dan mencoba mulai menulis.. Yang terlihat hanya hamparan lembar putih kosong yang perlu diisi dengan kata2, tapi bingung apa yang harus ditulis..

Lalu, terlintas pula satu pemikiran mengenai halaman kosong ini..